The VIth International Accordion Competition in Solec Kujawski


The VIth International Accordion Competition in Solec Kujawski, 

16-17 May 2024, POLAND

Organised by:

Society for Development "Music Education - the Way of Success"


Marshal Office of Kujawsko- Pomorskie Voivodship

Solec Kujawski Town and Commune Office

Frederic Chopin Primary Music School in Solec Kujawski

Competition Director

Wiesław Nowak


  • The competition is aimed at students from 1st and 2nd degree music schools and to students of the 1st and 2nd year of undergraduate studies (Music Academy).

2. The participants take part in single-step competition auditions in the following categories:

I a category – soloists to 9 years old – born in 2015 and later

– programme length up to 5 min.

I b category – soloists 10 years old – born in 2014

– programme length up to 5 min.

I c category -soloists 11 years old – born in 2013
– programme length up to 10 min.

I d category –soloists 12 years old – born in 2012
– programme length up to 10 min.

II category -soloists 13-14 years old – born in 2011, 2010
programme length up to 15 min.

III category – soloists 15-16 years old – born in 2009, 2008
programme length up to 15 min.

IV category – soloists 17-18 years old – born in 2007, 2006
programme length up to 20 min.

V category soloists 19-20 years old – born in 2005, 2004
programme length up to 20 min.

VI category – soloists - students of the 1st and 2nd year of undergraduate studies

programme length up to 30 min.

VII category - accordion ensembles (including only accordions)
(from a duo to an orchestra) – pupils of primary music schools solely,

duration of the program up to 15 min.

  • Program presentation: Free choice program applies in all categories.

· It is not possible to change the repertoire after accepting the application.

  • The competition auditions will take place in the Concert hall named after Kazimierz Serocki and in second Concert hall named after Irena Santor located in Frederic Chopin Primary Music School in Solec Kujawski, Poland, 23 Stycznia 13 Street.

  • Occasional Concerts will be held at a Concert hall in Culture Centre in Solec Kujawski, Poland, at gen. Stefana Roweckiego ,,Grota'' 1 street.

· The competition participants are obliged to provide 1 copy (photocopy) of music sheets for the presented programme. Lack of music sheets for the presented programme causes disqualification of the participant. The submitted sheet music is not returned after the end of the Competition.

  • The participants' programme will be judged by an Jury appointed by the Organiser, according to the scale from 1 to 25 points.

Participants receive:

  • from 23 points 1 st prize,
  • from 22 points 2 nd prize,
  • from 21 points 3 rd prize,
  • from 20 points honorable mention.

Jury decisions are ultimate.

  • · The order of performances is arranged alphabetically. It is possible to establish an order other than alphabetical if the category of soloists coincides with the group category.

  • The Competition winners will receive winner's diplomas and awards; the awards will be assigned by the Jury. The winners certify the personal receipt of the prize with their signature, prizes not collected will not be sent by post.

  • Every Competition participants will receive diplomas confirming their participation.

  • Completed application with a paying- in slip and consent to the processing of personal data should be sent to the ORGANISER OFFICE by April 12th 2024.

(at mail address: ) in title please write in - Vth International Accordion Competition

  • Initiation fee should be paid to the following account:

Bank Spółdzielczy O/Solec Kujawski

Bank account : 02 8164 0001 2002 0010 1459 0001

SWIFT CODE: GBWCPLPP (for transfers from abroad!)

  • Soloists = PLN 170 ( 36 € )
  • Bands = PLN 220 (47 € )
  • Participants from abroad can make payments directly after their arrival

at the Organiser's office in PLN

· The registration fee is not refundable in the case of a participant resignation from participation in the Competitionafter accepting the application.

  • Participant`s applications will be kept by co-organizer Frederic Chopin Primary Music School. Applications of participants who do not take part in the competition will be destroyed.

· If participant can`t take a part in the competition please send to Organiser`s office a message by 15 May 2024.

  • Winners in each category will perform on the laureate`s concert.

  • The Organiser and co-organiser (Frederic Chopin Primary Music School in Solec Kujawski) have the right to distribute audiovisual recordings.

  • If You have any questions about competition please send to Organiser`s office a message at e-mail address or directly to Competition Director at: .

· Application for the Competition is tantamount to reading and accepting the provisions of this Regulations.

  • Costs of travel, accommodation and meals are covered by participants, teachers and viewers themselves.